The Rooster arrived again, and this time he was shirtless. Wow, it was an epic treat to see all the battle wounds that he received while as a prisoner or war during the 1970's. Well, that is at least the story that I made up for him.
He brought White Lightning in again today, and man, she's a little monster; Trying to chew everything in sight. But is still cute though.
The video I recorded isn't all that exciting for a 10 minute video. Hey, I'll be honest and say it isn't. But I have to record Rooster without making it look like I am filming him. Some days he sings and it makes for good video. But today, the Rooster was too tired to do much. He brought with him, what he believe is his record that he has ever brought in. Needless to say, he was a little assed out.
Rooster arrived today, and he had a little surprise with him - a new puppy. He first called her Chicken, and that seemed fitting being that he is The Rooster. The puppy is all black with a white stripe going down it's chest. Rooster calls her White Lightning. Sounds like a hair band name.
The video isn't all that exciting because Rooster doesn't do much singing. However, the best part is the last five seconds when one of the female associates describe how foul Roosters feet smelled when he removed his shoe.
I like it better when Rooster comes in later in the day beside the morning time. He seems a little more liquored up in the afternoon.
Rooster did however, decide to plant himself in the corner and comb his hair out.
I took some pictures of him before he entered the building. He was literally separating bags of trash and removing aluminum cans from them. Like, he picked up some random trash bags from someones lawn and then started sorting it out.
It's about time that we see some of our other characters. Where is Crack Head Bob, Lady Crack Head, Boyfriend/Son, Lester the Molester, or the Fly? Who knows. But one man we can also count on is The Rooster. He is always there to give us a daily does of entertainment. This time he came fully loaded and packed with song, which are now available as MP3's.
As I was speaking with Rooster, he told me that he could sell just about anything at anytime. He stated, "Hell, I could sell a petrified turd for five dollars if I ever found one."
I bet it makes for good beer money. Later I saw the Rooster digging into the dumpster just outside of the building. I snapped some photos of him dumpster diving, but those photos got lost as the camera I was using was a shared item amongts others.
At the end of the video, Rooster is holding an item that he pulled from the dumpster. He's pretty proud of his find.
Rooster MP3's are now available for free. That's right free. It's good entertainment and all we ask is that you tell your friends. Here The Rooster singing gospel hits like Where the Roses Never Fade and Lord Build Me a Cabin in the Corner of Glory Land. Lord Build Me a Cabin in the Corner of Glory Lane - The Rooster.mp3
The ring tones are on their way, pending a review from the hosting website. But after that they should be here. I bet even Rooster never thought his voice could be a ring tone. At the same time, does Rooster even know what a cell phone is?
One of our readers found this guy hanging out at Game Stop in Ogden, next to Hastings and Wal-mart. Apparently, he had a big goatee, combat boots, chains all on his front side, big hooded jacket, tight black jeans underneath, and the star of David on the back of his hooded jacket.
Now these items by themselves are innocent and nothing really to report about. But the context of what they mean when you combine these powers together means fuckin' weird. And luckily for the citizens of Ogden, UT, Ed Gein here lives just around the corner.
This picture was also sent in by an avid reader. I guess they were stop at a light and only had a short moment to bust a picture of the legend walking the streets. But we still appreciate the pictures.
I'm sure if we all have our phones set on the camera setting we, collectively, could create a pretty good portfolio of The Rooster. Like one of those year end People Magazines books.
Apparently people must be enjoying the site because this week have some great additions with content sent in by avid readers of our site!
This first set of pictures was sent to us from a reader who saw The Rooster hanging out behind the new Winco shopping center. It appears that Rooster is in the process of constructing some kind of structure. Possibly, remodeling his home. Thanks avid reader for the submission!
Reminds me of those pictures that you always see of Sasquatch. Is The Rooster real or not?
The Rooster was back again. Hell, he's our number one customer and People of Ogden is his number one fan. It was early in the morning, and to honest, Rooster wasn't as drunk as he normally is and in turn was a little more calmed down. He still performed a song for us, but he seemed to be recovering from the night before.
Rooster had a few more supplies on his hand and was ready to redecorate his hat. Like a costumed hero in a sequel film, a new costume is dawned everytime we see him. We got some footage of the master at work on his craft. It's like filming a grizzly bear from afar. Trying to get close enough to observe but not too close because you don't want to scare him off.
There are a lot of people who have commented that they have seen The Rooster out in the wild of Ogden City. We're thinking that if we all band together we can get some pretty footage of The Rooster and eventually build up a pretty good portfolio of this character. If you see The Rooster, please take a picture and then message us on the comment board. will give you credit for the picture.
Share this site with friends, subscribe, and as always comments are welcome.
We got a visit from Henry Jones Jr. the other day. But you know I like Iron Man, Batman, Superman, Star Trek, even John McClain. But you know I don't dress like them out in public on days that aren't Halloween.
To be far to this guy, he's not the only guy to dress like this. I've seen adult kids like this before, who when they do manage to remove themselves from the depth of their mother's basement, walk around town wearing an Indiana Jones hat and leather jacket. It looks cool when Harrison Ford does it for a movie, but in really life, try to wear something that might actually get you laid.
An epic moment bestowed on us yesterday. After recording the Dancing Queens I decided that the next time I see Rooster, he would be next on the list. Well, later that day The Rooster stepped in and he didn't seem to mind at all that I was recording him. This guys is sure to be a hit. The short-shorts, the hat, that shirt, and the air guitar. It's all Rooster baby.
So, People of Ogden is proud to present to you - The Rooster!
The deal is, is that Rooster brought by a shopping cart full of junk to send in. But while he walked away the forklift driving accidentally tipped over the cart and all of Roosters stuff went everywhere. Rooster wasn't too happy, he punched the fence behind him several times (epic fail on my part for not getting it on tape), and then proceeded to bitch at the driver. Rooster was able to get his stuff back into order, but according to him the chair in the background cost him $8,000. And supposedly he bought the shopping cart for $400. He also has stock in the new Winco that opened up down the street. He also, claims that he owns a home.
I call these gals, if you can refer to them as gals, as the Dancing Queens. They pull up yesterday in front of the shop, don't get out of their car, and proceed to dance and smoke inside the car outside the building. They stayed for about twenty minutes and then left. Never bought anything. Never even got out of the car. Well, actually, the one jump out of the front seat went into the backseat to "smoke a cigarette" (crack) and then they drove off.
We've been getting a lot of traffic with the roaches of Ogden City and it has been hard to keep up. Last Friday, Crack Head Bob paid us a visit. We almost didn't recognize him with all his fancy clothes on. It must have been the same day that he need to get application papers signed so that his welfare check would continue to roll in.
Here Crack Head Bob is setting his cigarette down on the window seal so that he can come inside the building. You would think that he would take care of business inside first and then smoke the whole thing while walking home. But I guess you can only go so long between cigarette breaks and when you're hook, you're hooked.
Crack Head Bob gets a little hostile when he finds that his product wasn't worth as much as he thought it was. I am sure to a homeless guy a cracker is like a buffet meal, but in the real world these kind of things don't carry that much weight. Sorry, Bob if you don't have enough money for crack.
This guy was a real weirdo. He was looking at the ladies in the office like a tiger looks at fresh meat. Not sure about this one at all. What kind of guys these days carries around a fanny pack? Child molesters of course. I bet he still rides a bike around town.
Lady Crack Rock and boyfriend/son prove to be our most valuable customers. The stopped back in looking for a vehicle that can pass inspection and make multiple trips around town to sell crack with.
Murna, a.k.a. Lady Crack Rock, doesn't look to happy. Sorry, Murna. We don't sell drugs here but if you go out back you might be able to find a used pair of dentures for that mug.
I think that trunk is big enough to fit a few children in.
Another gem character from the streets of Ogden City, UT. Word around the campfire is that this guys is in full costume all year around.
From this angle it appears as though he is wearing two pairs of eye glasses. Well, that is because he is. Bad enough people say things about someone being four eyed, but here this guy has an extra pair.