Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Noobs of Ogden: Reader Submission

Check out these retards right here. I guess in Utah there isn't much to do on a Friday night. So, these dork sit around making asses of themselves. The thought of going out and finding chicks never occurs to idiots like these. But sitting upside down and drinking bottles of water and Root Beer sounds like a f***ing plan!

At least they're outside I guess. Probably for the first time in the last month. Their mom, and I'm sure they still live at their mom's house, must have finally kicked them off the X-box and this is their first time even standing next to a trampoline (let alone hanging upside down from one).

The only thing stopping me from trying to track these retards down and removing them from our population is that every 1/10 times I watch the videos below - I gut laugh out loud.

They must be brothers.