Check out Boy Genius here walking around with a snake hanging around his neck. I guess he thinks that he can pick up more ladies if he wears his snake on his shoulder. He has a pretty big smile on his face for a guy who is about to doubled wrapped. He said that one time it did wrap around him enough to make him pass out. He said it happened while he was in the middle of a dick measuring contest. He claims he was flexing his neck and the snake took it the wrong, wrapped around his neck, and he woke up later on the floor. Now, I don't know how many dick measuring contest that I plan to find myself in, but I know now not to do so while wearing a snake as a necklace.
Now take a look again at that picture above. Doesn't this van look like something that a guy like that would drive? Well, it should because it is.
Raiden the thunder god just came back from an epic battle with Lui Kang. These photos may look like re-hashed images from a set that I took a few weeks ago. But trust me, this kid is running around with his outfit on all the time.
For a second there I was worried about the status of middle earth.